Tuesday, January 8, 2008

White Ladies

"We went, as if we unscrewed an old carpet between the trees... and the carpet dragged in its weave tiny flowers and constellations."
Manuel Mujica Láinez

When entering the forests or gardens in a friendly way, forgetting for a moment the materiality which surrounds, you enter yourself into a dream space, where the smallness and finitely slight knowledge are transformed into blurred steam, and in its place they appear as translucent and crystalline dreams, where the dimensions of one fantastic thing follow another, giving a new meaning to time, distance and horizons.

In these sometimes fleeting moments of lucidity and communion with the wonderful and magical space, outside the inverted order in which we live, an alchemical creation between the imaginary matter and the imaginative spirit takes place, transporting us to a flashing and subtle alliance between the air, the water and the soul.

We have been welcomed by the songs of frogs, to the sanctuaries of nature, the purity of the sacred sources, where still echo the prayers of antiquity, and we are transported into the worlds where elfic beings and fairies dwell. They dance, they sing, being confused between the veils of the mist. We felt the perfume of the cockpits of the small beings and listened to whispers that are mistaken for the breeze. Trees, shrubs, plants and
flowers are inhabited by magical beings who define and defend them...

White Ladies appear then as power currents and vital in the wild and uncontaminated places, like virgin woods and forests, cascades, mountains and mountain ranges, precipices... sometimes it is possible to see them keeping natural sources flowing. One should not confuse them with the tormented ghosts that haunt old castles, since these fairies symbolize the purity of the world and they appear when the clouds are lined along the horizons of this other world, in eternal twilight of memory.

The White Lady is a "genius loci" or a being who protects the soul of a specific site, granting this place a special aroma. Thus who enters, whether with an intention or not, feels as if floating on the branches and mists. Even the animals and plants appear strangely. Few human beings will be favored with the vision of this fairy, turning this place into an altar. Therefore it must be revered, maintaining its purity. White ladies are, full of high and thin grace and translucent beauty. Their dresses are white and shining, as if they were made of moon light. Who has an encounter with this magical being, is certainly going to see their thoughts and therefore, their life, transformed forever...

Sources: Teresa Martín, "Life, secrets and costrumbres of the enchanted world of the Fairies"; Anna Franklin, "the Ring of the fairies", Pierre Dubois, "The Great Encyclopedia of Faeries"